
2019 APhA Annual Meeting Day 3

Day 3 started bright and EARLY with a 7 am breakfast. I joined the APhA-APPM Compounding SIG (special interest group) after the regional officer January Business Meeting and have been in contact with the current chair of the group in the months leading up to Annual. She was kind enough to add a ticket to this breakfast for me to her registration. I was able to meet so many leaders in the compounding sphere, and learned so much about the current issues in the field.

I followed that informative meeting with the “Lessons from former leaders” session. 4 former APhA-ASP national officers shared inspiring speeches with us and took questions from the audience as well.
I then attended the Chapter Achievement report workshop with the current Mercer chapter President and President-Elect and PCVP (patient care vice president). We will be submitting reports of the impact and events our chapter completed throughout the 2018-2019 year this June, and we got to hear from the Awards standing committee about the best way to accomplish this efficiently. This will be my responsibility when I complete my presidential year.

We then attended our last house of delegates session! We got to hear all the nominees for national executive officers give their speeches and voted for the new president-elect, speaker of the house, and 2 members at large. All the candidates worked so hard and had wonderful platforms. I am so excited to work with the selected candidates over the next year. I will hopefully be able to run for a national office in a couple years, and it was inspiring to watch the whole process!

I also spoke in front of the entire house of delegates on behalf of the MRMC regional officers to thank the current national executive committee and APhA staff members. We also heard from the 2019-2020 president, Kelli Jo Welter, about the new theme for the year “Be fearlessly authentic.”
Finally, we headed to Palomino, a close by Italian restaurant, for the Mercer chapter dinner. One of the APhA Presidential candidates is a graduate of Mercer and came to speak with us, and we enjoyed the night with all the students who attended this meeting, as well as the 3 Mercer residents, 3 faculty members, and former graduates. Such an inspiring day, and the enthusiasm for next year is already contagious.

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