The final day of MRM has come and gone, and it was a wonderful meeting. Thank you so much to all the student pharmacists who came all the way to Atlanta and participated all weekend! It was so nice to meet you all and it was such an honor to serve you as MRMC for the past year.

We started the morning with a Toast & Trivia session kahoot game, followed by an OTC Medicine Safety session led by members of the member engagement national standing committee. Next, we moved into the closing session, during which we heard speeches from all 9 of our candidates for regional office and received a report on the resolutions that were voted on yesterday. Huge congratulations to the new regional officers!

We gave away some prizes and recognized chapters for their accomplishments over the past year.

We were presented with plaques for our service as 2018-2019 regional officers as well.

Cheers to 50 years of APhA-ASP!

It was an honor to serve alongside you both, Kalyn and Clayton!

Thank you so much to all the Mercer chapter members who attended and helped so much this weekend!

Another huge thank you to our meeting sponsors!

Thank you region 3 for an amazing meeting! I look forward to continuing my involvement in APhA-ASP throughout the remainder of pharmacy school.