It is my 24th birthday and it’s a weird one! 2020 is such a strange year, expectations have had to be majorly readjusted, but I am so thankful to be celebrating another birthday surrounded by so many people that I love in a place in my life that I love! To commemorate the occasion, I decided to list 24 things I am thankful for, so in no particular order:My husband. Obviously. We celebrated our 2 year anniversary back in May with a weekend get away to St. Simon’s, which was so special for us. He is my biggest supporter, encourager, and favorite person in the world.
- My husband. Obviously. We celebrated our 2 year anniversary back in May with a weekend get away to St. Simon’s, which was so special for us. He is my biggest supporter, encourager, and favorite person in the world

2. My awesome family. Even from a state away, they are the best. I talk to my parents on the phone at least once a day, sometimes more, and they are coming to visit Atlanta for my birthday! My grandparents are also the best, and I am so lucky to be so close to them.

3. My in laws. Being close to them & spending way more time together during COVID-19 has been such a blessing. Over the Spring & Summer we had dinner together several times a week and went on neighborhood walks. That has been such cherished time for me & I feel so blessed to have the best second family ever.

4. My bestie girls! What would I do without them?! Pharmacy school has been made so much better because of Emma & Alex. Truly my forever friends.

5. My forever friends who make an effort to stay connected even from far away & even come visit sometimes! I love you!
6. Being in pharmacy school, and thriving! I am making it through the last year of didactic curriculum and I am SO happy to be almost done.

7. APhA-ASP! This year I am Mercer’s chapter president & a member of the National Standing Committee on Communications. I miss the conferences and events so much and I can’t wait to get back to the normal swing of things.
8. My job at Walgreens, and the opportunity to do COVID-19 testing this year! I work at several locations currently: typical retail, specialty, and the COVID-19 testing site.

9. My job at NASPA, originally a Summer internship that has now been extended through the school year. I love this job and have had the opportunity to connect with so many amazing pharmacist leaders making a difference in the profession.
10. The fact that Brandon & I got to spend so much more time together than expected due to COVID-19. We thought that Brandon would be going straight from classes into rotations, but we actually ended up getting a wonderful Spring and Summer together, almost 6 months of time to strengthen our relationship!

11. My newly discovered love of hiking! I used to say I am NOT an outdoorsy girl, but this year has changed me. We now go on a new hike every weekend!

12. Kayaking, another newly discovered hobby. We have been going on the Chattahoochee River and having so much fun.

13. Writing blogs like this! Writing is an awesome creative outlet for me & I love publishing things I am passionate about on many different outlets, including here on SavannahCunningham.org.
14. The RxReel. I love filming videos & creating a YouTube channel that is filled with all things pharmacy school! I get so excited when students contact me asking questions or explaining that a video helped them.

15. Being able to live in the cutest apartment ever for 4 years at an affordable price, with the perfect amount of space for us, and room for all our super meaningful pieces (furniture & decorations).
16. Cooking. We have been using EveryPlate for the past couple months and it has both reinvigorated my passion for cooking & given us a fun thing to do as a couple!

17. Learning new things in pharmacy school. Now that I’m back in the swing of things, I am really enjoying expanding my knowledge on new disease states and drugs with Musculoskeletal!
18. Dreaming about the future after pharmacy school and medical school. We have been talking a lot lately about where we might land for Brandon’s residency, and I am having so much fun thinking about our lives in 2 years.
19. Libraries. Public libraries are the coolest invention ever. I love going in and getting books about all kinds of things for FREE. I read a lot over the Summer & this was a great way to do it on a budget.
20. Friday night dinner dates. Last week we went to get ramen, and for my birthday we are going to Chop, a new place for us. I always look forward to these nights together.

21. Having a clean and tidy house! I spent the last couple weeks of Summer organizing everything in the house, creating a bunch of bags for Goodwill & making new space for things we care about. I have kept up with a rigorous cleaning schedule since school starts, which makes me feel so happy!
22. Our birds. We have a couple bird feeders & a hummingbird feeder outside hanging on our balcony, and we have birds visiting constantly! Since I spend a lot of time on the couch streaming class and studying, I get to watch them all the time! We are very attached, they’re like our pets.

23. That Brandon is able to do something he is passionate about. He is on his first in person rotation and is enjoying getting to actually be hands on and learn from doctors who are great at their specialty. I love coming home and hearing about all the new things he has done in a day.
24. Planning for rotations. As P3 students we rank our rotation preferences in November, and I am super excited to prepare for my fourth year! I have so many exciting APPEs to look forward to.
I can’t wait to see what the next year brings!!