Day 2 of SLI may have been even more inspiring than the first! We started bright and early with opportunities round tables with topics varying from scholarships to patient care projects to opportunities within APhA for internships or residencies. This was a very intimate and interactive setting and was so fun!
We then heard from Alex Varkey, a current board member of APhA and former APhA-ASP NEC member. We also heard about one of the newer patient care projects, Women’s Health. We finished the morning with Brian Donahue (Mercer alumni and current UNC faculty) beginning a chapter leader development series.

After lunch out in the city at Shake Shack, we continued our sessions with Brian, and had so much amazing interaction with all the chapters from across the country.

After adjourning for the evening, the Regional officers in attendance took some photos!

We finished the night with a Region 3 Dinner at Tonic, a restaurant actually set in an old pharmacy! Region 3 has so many amazing leaders at SLI and it was so awesome to start getting everyone excited about MRM2019.