I love making goals, it helps me to organize my priorities as I strive to achieve each one, and gives me something to celebrate when I reach a new milestone! 2020 seems like such a good year to make some big moves forward in life, with the new decade and the fun of saying “twenty twenty.” So I made a list of 20 goals I have for 2020 (in no particular order):
1. Become a national representative of a pharmacy association. I would love to take my leadership to the next level this year. I have held chapter (Mercer specific), state, and regional positions, but I would like to expand my circle even further and become a national officer in an organization that means a lot to me this year.
2. Travel for fun more! I already know I will be going on another cruise with the bestie girls for Spring break (s/o Alex and Emma), to Canada with my family in July, and to the beach with Brandon’s family this Summer. I am so looking forward to seeing some new places and making some fun memories.

3. Attend more APhA events! I am planning to go to my 2nd APhA Annual in March, 3rd APhA-ASP MRM in the Fall, and the APhA Institute for Substance Abuse Disorders this Summer. (Plus SLI, but see goal #6 for more info about that one.) APhA is an organization that means a lot to me and I am excited to continue being involved.

4. Attend my 3rd NCPA Annual in Nashville in the Fall. I have been super involved in NCPA for the past couple years, and am excited to attend my 3rd convention in my hometown!

5. Attend my 3rd PCCA Bootcamp in Houston, TX. This one will be the Advanced Compounding Course and the final of the three bootcamps that they offer. I have already attending the introductory and veterinary bootcamps and am looking forward to continuing my education in compounding!

6. Be an active advocate for my profession. I plan to attend NCPA Fly In, APhA-ASP SLI, and the Alliance for Compounding Pharmacists CCH (Compounders on Capitol Hill). These are all in DC and will allow me to speak face to face with my legislators about important issues in pharmacy. I will also be attending 2 separate Day at the Domes right here in Atlanta, where we will be supporting Georgia specific legislation.

7. Present a research poster. I already have been accepted to present posters at the TPA Winter Meeting and APhA Annual meeting, and hope to also submit a poster for the Mercer Research Day and GPhA Summer Convention, and maybe even NCPA Convention in the Fall!

8. Get research published. I would love to submit my manuscript to a pharmacy journal, and get published! This is a lofty goal, but one that I would love to get accomplished at least by the time I graduate pharmacy school if not this year.
9. Get published in the Student Pharmacist Magazine for the 2nd time! I wrote an article for the APhA magazine for students a couple months ago, and am working currently on another that I hope to be featured at some point in 2020.

10. Complete an internship with a national pharmacy organization! I am currently planning to do an internship this Summer with NASPA (National Alliance for State Pharmacy Associations) and I am SO excited!!

11. Host a successful GPhA Summer Convention with a strong Student Central for the 2nd year! I visited Asheville, where the 2020 convention will be held, back in December and hope to plan for an amazing convention with lots of student attendance this year, building on what we accomplished last year.

12. Finish P2 year strong. This school year has been much more of a challenge than P1, and I hope to continue keeping my motivation high and continue excelling in classes while maintaining my involvement.
13. Go on regular date nights with Brandon. Towards the end of the Fall semester we started going out together every Friday night, and we had such a fun time! I plan to have a little jar filled with fun and easy (and cheap!) date ideas that we can choose from each week to keep connected throughout our busy school schedules.

14. Start working out a minimum of 3 times weekly, either through classes at Mercer or local fitness gyms or at home. I am hoping to try Class Pass when the semester starts and get on a better track with my health overall.

15. Start P3 year motivated and ready to finish didactic curriculum. I can’t believe that I will be almost done with classes forever by the end of 2020, and I hope to avoid that “senioritis” feeling as I near the end.
16. Prepare for a successful year as APhA chapter President at Mercer. I am hoping to do a lot of work this Summer to prepare for all the activities throughout the year, and make the semester super well organized for my exec board!
17. Apply for (and hopefully get) a lot of scholarships! I received enough scholarships to cover over 1/2 my tuition for P2 year and am hoping to offset some costs for the upcoming year as well.

18. Post regularly on YouTube for the RxReel and post regularly on my blog! The RxReel has been a great learning experience for me and I hope for it to continue helping future and current student pharmacists be more successful in their careers.

19. Cook more! During P1 year I was always trying out new recipes and making dinners at home, but I have fallen out of the routine recently. We tried out Blue Apron over the break from school and that really has inspired me to get back into my love of cooking. (Maybe even a couple more 7 course meals in 2020?)

20. Keep our apartment more clean and organized. Because of the new schedule of P2 year, I have had trouble keeping up with my regular cleaning schedule and have tended to let things pile up instead of keeping my usual tidy home. I hope to get back on a solid schedule of making our home a happy one in 2020.