As we have been under stay at home orders for a month now, I have put together a list of tips for staying sane during the quarantine! The COVID-19 Pandemic has been a completely unprecedented event and getting used to our new normal has been very difficult. So here are a few ways to make it a little easier for everyone (in no particular order)!
- 1. Make a schedule. Don’t let that planner go to waste if you have one. I found a new version that fits my quarantine vibe. I use a weekly calendar that has hourly breakdowns of each day. This helps me prioritize school, work, and all these new hobbies!

- 2. Get outside every day! Walk around your apartment complex, find a new nearby park to explore, or make a few laps around the neighborhood.

- 3. Make plans! Just because you can’t leave the house right now doesn’t mean you won’t be able to eventually. Dream of future trips, internships, or reunions with friends and family. Personally, I am preparing for internships with Walgreens and NASPA this Summer, and hopefully trips to Canada and the beach with family.

- 4. Find ways to contribute to your community. Can you sew? Make masks for healthcare workers. I personally helped compile online resources for pharmacists on the frontlines with NASPA.
- 5. Spend some quality team with your quaranTEAM. I’m super lucky to have my husband as my quarantine buddy. We are spending more time together than ever, and enjoying our ability to reconnect.

- 6. Find a workout routine. I have tried a few YouTube challenges, worked out with friends via FaceTime, and taken countless walks and runs outside. There’s no “I don’t have time” excuse now!

- 7. Thank your essential worker friends and family! We are tired, we are scared, we are often treated poorly by the people we are trying to serve. I have been working way more than normal to make sure all our patients are taken care of, and I am always so grateful for those who take the time to be grateful! In Atlanta, every night at 8 pm the entire city cheers for the healthcare providers who are working right now. I love that positive energy!

- 8. Be creative! Try out a new recipe, photography, writing, DIY projects you find on Pinterest. I have been finding time for a lot of projects I didn’t during my typical busy life before!
- 9. Students–stay motivated! Stay caught up on virtual lectures and notes, you still need to know this information even though there’s a lot of crazy things going on.

- 10. Support small business. They are struggling and have had to close or reduce operations for a lot longer than they budgeted for. Anytime you can shop small, please do!
Bonus: Learn tik tok dances! They are so fun no matter how bad you might be at copying the complicated moves.
Everyone please stay safe out there, and follow all the stay at home orders so that we can get back to regular life soon!
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