I was inspired by Bob Coleman, CEO of GPhA, during his talk at Day at the Dome yesterday about the importance of involvement to write down the top 10 days of my pharmacy school career! There has been so many that it was hard to choose, but I have done my best to narrow it dow, so here they are in chronological order (not in order of importance, that would be too hard to choose!) Looking back at all these moments over the past year and a half has really made me overwhelmed with gratitude for all of the opportunities I have been provided. Hugely thankful to Mercer University College of Pharmacy for making all of this possible for me!
1. White Coat ceremony! This is a big one, as it marks my entrance into pharmacy school. I was so excited to earn a white coat and I am still so honored to wear it every time I have the opportunity. My family all came to watch this ceremony, and it almost felt more exciting than graduating from college a few months prior! This photo is with my bestie girl Emma, proving that we have been together since the very beginning! (August 17, 2018)
2. Attending my first professional conference! I went on to attend 11 professional conferences in my first year of pharmacy school (see recent article in Student Pharmacist magazine), traveling across the country, and making countless connections! Alex and I were the only two P1s who made the trip to NCPA Annual in Boston that year, and it both inspired me and opened so many doors that I could never have imagined! (NCPA October 5-7, 2018 in Boston)
3. Being elected as an APhA-ASP regional officer. I ran for the position of MRMC (Midyear Regional Meeting Coordinator), which means that I planned the next MRM that was held in Atlanta in 2019. This may be one of my most important days as well, as it ignited my passion for APhA and started my connections with countless student pharmacists and pharmacists who share that passion. (MRM2018 October 28, 2018 in Memphis)
4. Day at the Dome 2019. This was my first major interaction with GPhA (Georgia Pharmacy Association) and actually inspired me to start the GPhA Student Leadership Board after a chat with CEO Bob Coleman while there (with my bestie girl Alex Reaves). Since then, we have created an amazingly successful board comprised of students from all 4 colleges of pharmacy in Georgia, added “Student Central” to the Summer Convention, and now helped coordinate the 2020 Day at the Dome events! (see most recent YouTube videos!) (February 20, 2019)
5. My first time advocating on Capitol Hill! I had been to DC before, but had never actually entered legislator’s offices and spoken with them about issues that are important to me. I made appointments with my own legislators, and joined both Georgia and Tennessee pharmacists for the NCPA Congressional Fly In! It was such an amazing learning experience and I have now been back to speak with those same legislators 3 total times (with 3-4 more planned in 2020!) (NCPA Congressional Fly In April 9-10, 2019 with TN and GA)
6. Starting The RxReel YouTube series! I have always been interested in photography and videography, and had made vlog style videos of many of the conferences and events that I attended in pharmacy school. I thought making a more formal series about all the issues in pharmacy would be super fun, so I roped in bestie girl Alex (and many amazing guests over the past year, thank you all!), and we have now published over 40 videos with topics ranging from studying advice, interviews with faculty, to involvement and leadership opportunities! Since we started it, I have had several people from various schools and in various stages of schooling come up to me and express that they found it helpful when preparing for pharmacy school or considering a specific issue as a student. I love that I am able to combine my personal interest with something that promotes pharmacy and can help fellow students! (First episode: April 18, 2019)
7. My first poster presentation at a national convention. I completed research over the Summer as part of an internship through Mercer with Dr. Kinsey! I did a podium presentation on this research at the beginning of my P2 year, and then submitted my abstract for a poster presentation at NCPA. I was SO excited when it was accepted, and have since had my poster accepted at ASHP Midyear, TPA Winter Meeting, and 2 posters accepted at APhA Annual! (NCPA Annual October 27, 2019)
8. Getting the Tylenol Future Cares scholarship. My mom encouraged me to apply for this scholarship for health care professional students, and I did in both 2018 and 2019, and finally was selected in the Fall! This was such an honor and I am so thrilled to have been chosen. (November 8, 2019)
9. Being selected as APhA-ASP National Communications Standing Committee member. I had imagine myself in this position since the very beginning of my involvement in APhA-ASP, as it perfectly blends my love for photography, videography, and social media with my love for my profession and for the academy. I was absolutely not expecting to receive the call that I had been chosen as a member this year, but am SO thrilled to serve in a national position for APhA-ASP for the next year! (I got the call January 30, 2020, but my term won’t officially start for a few more months.)
10. Being selected as a member of Rho Chi. Rho Chi is a national pharmacy honor society, and at Mercer only the top percentage of the class is selected for membership. I am very proud to have maintained excellent academic performance (4.0 GPA for now!) in pharmacy school thus far, even with all the other involvement I have chosen to pursue. As a member of Rho Chi, I will now be able to help tutor and lead review sessions for students who come behind me as well! (February 5, 2020)