Showing 5 Result(s)

Advocacy as a Christian

11/18/19 I talk about advocacy for the profession of pharmacy and the patients that we serve all the time, but recently my eyes were open to a new perspective on advocacy through my faith as a Christian. At church this Sunday, we were talking about a passage in Proverbs 31:8-9 that reads, “Speak up for …


2019 IACP CCH Day 1

5/19/19 I am back in Washington D.C. for the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists (IACP) Compounders on Capitol Hill (CCH) Fly In. This event draws pharmacists specializing in compounding from across the country to advocate for the profession, and I am one of 6 students attending (the others are from the University of South Carolina, …


Life Update

April 3, 2018 What are we doing next? When is our wedding? Where will we live? The answers to all your most frequently asked questions. We are moving into an apartment (we already have it reserved) in Norcross, about 15 minutes away from Brandon’s parents and in the exact middle of our two schools in …


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