Showing 3 Result(s)

NYC at the holidays

12/28-31/2019 We headed to NYC for a few days in the Big Apple to see all the holiday festivities. I have been to New York tons of times, but never at the holidays, and was SO excited to finally be there. We flew in around 2 PM and immediately headed out on the town after …


Coney Island

6/30/18 After the spike ball tournament at MCU Park in Coney Island, we wandered down to the boardwalk for a quick dinner. What a bustling and beautiful area! There was art and creative people everywhere, and we had a fun evening as the sun finally lowered in the sky, cooling the scalding temperatures. Please follow …


Spike Ball Champions

6/30/18 We spent all day at MCU Park for the National Summer Spike Tournament 2018! Ben and Houston played in the intermediate division with 64 other teams. The morning was for pool play: 12 groups of 6 teams each. The 6 teams all have to play each other in single games to 15 points, and …


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