Today was our second Day at the Dome this year! This one was specifically for Mercer and South students and was such a fun day advocating for our profession.

We started at the Georgia Freight Depot this morning.
We heard from GPhA CEO Bob Coleman, Greg Reybold, Representative David Knight, and Representative Ron Stephens.
Greg Reybold Rep. Stephens Bob Coleman Rep. Knight
We even heard the Mercer University elevator pitch contest winner from earlier this week! Congratulations again Kelsey Roberts!

Everyone in attendance got a convenient handout about the bills and GPhA!
Then we all headed over to the capitol, thank you to the GPhA Student Leadership Board for helping direct everyone in the cold!

We got our annual group photos!

South students Mercer students
The Student Leadership Board did a great job organizing the morning!

Then all the students spoke with their legislators.
It was an awesome day! Thank you to GPhA for organizing a wonderful event and for all the work you do supporting our profession all year long.
Can’t wait for next year!