I will be starting my last semester of didactic curriculum in pharmacy school next week! I am so excited to finish out P3 year strong and begin rotations in May. I have some expectations and goals for the semester as I take my LAST CLASSES EVER.
- Finish classes strong. We will be taking infectious disease, Hemonc (hematology & oncology), POP (practice of pharmacy), and several weeks of CPCC. I am really looking forward to the infectious disease module as this is so relevant to what I do in community pharmacy all the time! I don’t have much exposure to oncology, so I think that class may be challenging but I think I will learn a lot. POP is a class that we have every single semester with drug and math quizzes. CPCC is all patient cases and is going to help us recall and apply all the knowledge we have gained over the past 3 years.
2. Pinning ceremony. At the end of our finals in May we get to have a ceremony where we get the pins that we will wear on rotations. I am crossing my fingers that we will get to be in person for it!
3. Teaching. I am taking the teaching elective at Mercer again and will be teaching 2 classes for the P1 class. I did this last year to prepare the students for advocating at Day at the Dome & am looking forward to doing an even better job this year!

4. Work. I will continue working at Walgreens doing MTMs, working retail in Norcross, and working at a specialty location. I also work at an independent pharmacy called Innovation Compounding, as well as at NASPA, a national pharmacy organization, and I am an intern at Banner Medical, a medical writing company. I will be very busy but I am looking forward to continuing to grow my experience in all of these areas.

5. Continue leadership in professional pharmacy organizations. I will be continuing to serve as the executive director of the GPhA Student Leadership Board. I will be transitioning out of my roles as President of the APhA-ASP chapter at Mercer and Secretary of the NCPA chapter at Mercer at the end of the semester. My term on comm comm will also be finished in March! I am also serving as a board member of ACVP and am looking forward to increasing student involvement in the organization.

6. Rotation schedule! We will be getting our schedule for all of our 4th year rotations. I have several pre scheduled electives but the majority of my schedule is still up in the air, so I am looking forward to preparing for that!
7. Spring break! A few girls from my class and I are going to the beach for Spring break in March and we are looking forward to some time to relax and celebrate making it this far.

8. Continue serving as a pharmacy ambassador for Mercer. I am on the leadership team for the ambassador program, and will be helping in several interviews and recruiting events throughout the semester.
9. Other organization involvement. We will be doing rush for Kappa Epsilon in the next couple of weeks, and I will be tutoring students for Rho Chi as well.

It is going to be a busy semester, and I have a lot to look forward to in order to finish P3 year strong!