2/1/2023 Why go to pharmacy school? After graduating and actually becoming a pharmacist, here are my top 10 reasons that anyone should go to pharmacy school! (In no particular order) Please follow and like:

2/1/2023 Why go to pharmacy school? After graduating and actually becoming a pharmacist, here are my top 10 reasons that anyone should go to pharmacy school! (In no particular order) Please follow and like:
Here’s the thing about doing something big when you’re young—it takes away your ability to make excuses when you’re older. When I was 16, my best friend Sam and I started a charity. We were attending our church’s youth group Fall retreat and the speaker, Brad Montague, was encouraging everyone in the audience to “find …
3/25/2022 Pharmacy school is filled with countless tests and quizzes, and most of them happen to be multiple choice. When you are taking 2-3 of these assessments a week, you must get pretty good at strategizing for success if you want to keep your grades up! So, after my 4 years, here are my top …
3/2/2022 As I am nearing my very last rotation of pharmacy school experience, I thought it might be about time for another top 10 list! This one is all about how to be successful during your fourth year APPEs. I have really enjoyed all my rotations, learned a lot, and so far have gotten As …
1/27/2022 Lately I have been reflecting on the last few years and seen so much evidence of how God has continually shown up, how He has led Brandon and me to opportunities that change the trajectory of our lives. Philippians 4:19 says, “God will meet all your needs,” and that has been proven time and …
As 2021 draws to a close and 2022 looms ahead, I have been thinking about how all the expectations I have for this monumental year and what my word of the year should be. In light of all the many exciting things planned for 2022, no word seems more fitting than “celebrate.” 2022 has been …
Thursday, December 9, 2021 It felt like about time for another seven course meal, so I decided to host one while staying in Tennessee at my parent’s house during my time off from rotations. This one had a special twist, because each course also came with a special drink (all mocktails, of course)! Course 1: …
July 29-30, 2021 I made the trip to Houston, Texas for my final of the 3 compounding bootcamps that PCCA offers. I have previously attended the introductory bootcamp and veterinary lab as well, and this one was the advanced compounding lab. It had an online portion that I took in the Spring of 2020, but …
6/13/2021 I hosted a Summer Tea Party at our house this weekend! My mom & granny came down from Tennessee to join us, plus Brandon’s mom, Mama, and sister, Megan. Everyone wore their Sunday best with the cutest hats, and it was such a fun afternoon. The invitations I sent out (ignore that the day …
5/20/2021 I have finally decompressed from the whirlwind of P3 year and am reflecting on my final year of didactic learning along with everything it brought with it. This week I have started my first rotation and am looking back at all the experiences from that past year that propelled me to this point in …