As 2021 draws to a close and 2022 looms ahead, I have been thinking about how all the expectations I have for this monumental year and what my word of the year should be. In light of all the many exciting things planned for 2022, no word seems more fitting than “celebrate.”
2022 has been an almost magical seeming threshold I’ve been anticipating for such a long time, that I’m not sure it has completely sunk in that it is actually here. 2022 is the year that Brandon and I graduate from medical and pharmacy school. I would like to say done with school forever, but you never know what the future might hold, so I’ll just say it will be the end of 21 years of constant schooling, earning the highest degrees possible—doctorates.

I have (of course) tried to enjoy the years of school, but always been yearning for the time when we would be starting our real careers and be considered the mystical “real adults.” No longer living off of student loans and part time jobs, but actually starting the positions that we have gone through 8 years of college and professional school to qualify for. Plus, it’ll be extra gratifying to be Drs. Cunningham.

Besides the huge transition from students to doctors, we will also be relocating to a new state for Brandon to complete the next 4 years of his residency. We don’t find out until March where that will be, but I am looking forward to the potential of buying our own home and creating a new community in this mystery location.
In addition to everything that Brandon and I have going on as we celebrate 4 years married and 8 years together, we will also be celebrating some of our closest friends and family in big milestones of their own throughout the year.
My best friend since childhood, Sam, is getting married in April, and I will be a bridesmaid. The next week my little brother Ben is marrying my new sister in law Alaina, and Brandon and I are both in the bridal party. And I will be a bridesmaid for my best friend Bethany getting married in October as well.
Sam & me (2013) Ben & me Bethany & me
Plus, Ben and Alaina graduate from Lipscomb in May! My mom’s first published book should be available sometime this year and my Dad is starting to teach at Lipscomb.
So many things to celebrate, and all the glory to God for every blessing we are expecting in 2022! Setting my word of the year as “celebrate” I hope will be a constant reminder of the Lord’s faithfulness and his provision for us. Psalm 21:13 says “Lord in all your power we celebrate your mighty acts.” All of these milestones and accomplishments would not be possible without the power of the Lord and the way He has chosen to bless us.
Deuteronomy 26:11 says “go celebrate because of all the good things the lord your god has given to you and your household.” It feels like we have an overwhelming number of exciting events to celebrate this year, and I want to intentionally mark each one of them and the meaning behind them throughout the coming months.
So, goodbye to 2021, and hello to a year full of celebration in 2022!