Today was the final day in Washington DC for the IACP CCH, and it was one of the most exciting as we headed to Capitol Hill to meet with all the legislators about the needs of compounding pharmacists and their patients. To see our specific requests click here.
We started the morning with an inspiring breakfast presentation by Congressman Chris Stewart of Utah, a huge supporter of pharmacy.

We then took the short trip up to the House buildings to begin our day of meetings with Georgia legislators. We started with Representative Loudermilk, who cosponsored HR 2871 last year. HR 1959 has essentially the exact same language as that bill, so we hope for full support from the congressman on this issue again for the 116th congress.
Next up was newly elected Lucy McBath, whose office I met with last month during NCPA Fly In. We met with a staff member to plead our case, and felt very well received.

We finished our meetings on the House side with Representative Rob Woodall, who represents my district. I met with him last month, and he actually remembered me today, which was such an honor! He asked such engaging questions and is such a personable politician.

After a quick lunch in the cafeteria, we crossed over to the senate side for a couple meetings.
First was Senator David Perdue’s office, whose staff member Charlotte Kaye I met with last month as well. She recently visited a local pharmacy in Georgia, showing her support of the interests of our profession.

We wrapped up with Senator Johnny Isakson, meeting with a staff member in his office. I led this meeting, actually explaining HR 1959 on behalf of our group, which was a huge honor after learning from all the experienced advocates I was with all day.
We are hopeful that we have made real progress for compounding today, and I am so grateful to the team at Innovation Compounding for allowing me to accompany them today and throughout the conference. I learned so much and fell even more in love with advocacy!